Feeling It Through - My Podcast Interview with David Fernandez Jr.

Feeling It Through - My Podcast Interview with David Fernandez Jr.

2024 is off to a big start.

Interestingly, many of these things were actually planted in 2020.

And are now coming to fruition - four years on.

In this instance, a podcast interview with David Fernandez Jr.

We connected through a Tony Robbins Facebook group in 2020.

When I shared a post about my life story in the group.

Seeing it, David was keen to host me as a guest on his podcast Earn Your Life.

Then life happened.

And it moved on, and the podcast interview was forgotten.

But in 2024, the seedling that was planted in 2020.

Came full circle, to fruition.

Upon reflection, I'm glad that the interview happened now instead of then.


In 2020, I had just rebranded as a Women's Trauma Healer.

I was still finding my feet and my voice.

The interview would have been a very different one if it had happened then.

So I'm glad that the reconnection happened now.

Divine timing really is a thing.

Learning to trust it, though challenging, is extremely rewarding.

So before I share the link to the podcast interview.

I want to share this:

If you knew you were fully supported.

If you knew that everything was happening exactly as it had to be happening.

If you knew that in retrospect, it would all make sense.

How would you respond to your life?

How would you be today?

How supported would you feel in this moment? 

One thing I have been working on behind the scenes.

Is embodying the feeling I want to experience in my life, FIRST.

Because more often than not, we don't actually desire an external outcome.

We desire a feeling that, that external outcome will give us.

For example...

We think we want more money because we can buy more and do more in life.

But actually, we desire more money/abundance because we will feel supported, safe and free.

We think more money will give us more options.

But actually, what we want is to feel relaxed and at ease knowing that we have options available to us, should we need them.

Can you notice the subtle difference? 

Can you feel the difference in your body as you read the two versions?

So ...

If we start by embodying the feeling, first.

We are - in essence - training our biology to experience the event before it happens.

And that my fellow butterflies, is powerful.

Because when the event does happen.

You already feel worthy of receiving it.

Because when the event does happen.

We will be able to hold it.

So instead of wishing for more money.

Can you start by embodying the feeling you want first? 

Because until you feel and embody the feeling in your biology.

No external event will actually be enough.

And it also won't feel fulfilling.

I realise this may be a little bit cryptic and high-level.

So I might go into it in more detail later.

But you're here for the podcast interview.

So without further ado...

I would love to bring to you...

"Feeling it through" - my podcast interview on Earn Your Life with David Fernandez Jr.

As always.

I'd love to hear your epiphanies, AHA moments and takeaways.

Share them in a comment on this blog.

Or send them in a message over Instagram.

Either way.

I hope you will enjoy the 33 minute interview.

And find hope and healing in the words.

With podcast vibes,


ps... If you are interested in healing your inner-child and other traumas, I offer 1on1 healing sessions for women only. Learn more here. Or connect with me on Instagram and send me a direct message.

Women's Trauma Healer, founder and director of The Butterfly, Anna believes that everyone’s pain has a purpose. On a mission to spread hope and healing like wildfire, she teaches people how they too can transform their traumas. She is the author of 3 books: Unmasking DepressionLovely - Poetry on Love and Loss and Lovelier - The Goddess and The Dragon, facilitator of the “Goddess Rising Workshop” and 2016 semi-finalist in the Australian Women's Weekly and Qantas Woman of the Future. Connect with her on Facebook and Instagram for more stories and insights.





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