Sunsets at St Kilda Beach in Melbourne, photo taken by Anna Krjatian
Have you ever felt tired for no reason, but also restless with expectations you had of yourself?
Not tired because of a long day, or because work was intense, but tired because you're just tired.
You couldn't explain this fatigue to people.
You just felt, exhausted.
No reason, other than that's what it was.
I feel you.
You see, this past year I've felt tired.
So much so, that I was going to sleep earlier and sleeping in on weekends.
Maybe it was because Saturn was retrograding.
Or because I moved cities and started anew elsewhere.
Or maybe it's because I entered the new decade of my life (the big three o).
I'm not sure what to account it to, but for one reason or another, my drive, ambition, radiance and excitement wasn't where it had been the past few years. I was drained for no reason. Well... I mean... I didn't think there was a reason. But I guess the past decade of my life (and more) had finally caught up with me. Which meant that my body decided "ok dear, you must rest.'
I also spent a lot of energy on healing and that can also be attributed to the fatigue. Anyone else find that feeling is exhausting? Much like the body takes energy to heal from physical ailments, the same applies for emotional ones. Spending so much time and energy on healing past patterns and traumas, this could be another reason for my fatigue.
Do you also relate?
Well there was one particular night were I was both extremely exhausted and ridiculously restless at the same time
And that is when the muse hit me.
So I wrote this poem.
My favourite stanza is the one about technology.
What's yours?
~ Written by Anna Krjatian
Wednesday 28th August 2019
p.s. If the words resonates with you, please share them!